Sunday 15 November 2015

How I became a bodger

I didn’t know what to do when I left school. But my careers master kept muttering something about “two short planks” and so I took the hint and became a carpenter.

It was only later that I learnt he meant I might be able to get a job at the fruit-box factory in our village, making crates for apple farmers.

Mind you, I followed his advice in one way – I only ever use timber that’s been specially selected for the apple crates.

A couple of Christmases ago, I found a tape measure in my cracker. It’s not quite as long as the one I have in my workshop, but it looks prettier, so I take it whenever I’m measuring up a job. What I can’t understand is that nothing I make ever quite fits.

But then, who cares? As long as I get the dosh.

And if anyone does complain – well, sod ’em!

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